Looking for Dr. Greger's books in another country or language? The following includes translated availability of How Not to Die. Click through on an image to order.
Hi, trying to help someone get a copy in Arabic but in Egypt. They say the Saudi Arabia version is inaccessible.
Dan Randall
Hi Tracie,
When I try to click on the Saudi Arabia book translation (from the US) the page does come up. I will try to ask someone else and report back if I learn anything. In the meantime, perhaps ask your friend to try to go to https://www.jarir.com/ and search for the book rather than use the direct link. I am not sure why the the direct link is inaccessible to your friend, but perhaps a search on the main site will get around the problem.
Aljosa Markocic
Just wanted to let you know that something's off with the links for Slovakia and Slovenia. The link for Slovakia leads to your website, while the link for Slovenia leads to a Slovakian website :)
Is the book how not to die available in india,how do i order
I believe you can get it here https://www.amazon.in/How-Not-Die-Discover-Scientifically/dp/1250066115. I will look into adding it to the list. Let me know if you have any questions!
Hi, trying to help someone get a copy in Arabic but in Egypt. They say the Saudi Arabia version is inaccessible.
Hi Tracie,
When I try to click on the Saudi Arabia book translation (from the US) the page does come up. I will try to ask someone else and report back if I learn anything. In the meantime, perhaps ask your friend to try to go to https://www.jarir.com/ and search for the book rather than use the direct link. I am not sure why the the direct link is inaccessible to your friend, but perhaps a search on the main site will get around the problem.
Just wanted to let you know that something's off with the links for Slovakia and Slovenia. The link for Slovakia leads to your website, while the link for Slovenia leads to a Slovakian website :)
EDIT: Not sure which bookstore in Slovenia you're cooperating with but I found the book here: https://www.bukla.si/knjigarna/sport-in-zdravje/zdravo-zivljenje-in-alternativna-medicina/kako-ozdravimo-s-hrano.html
Thank you! We will get that fixed!
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